*Happy New Year* is a 2014 Indian Bollywood film directed by Farah Khan. The story revolves around a group of lovable misfits who come together to pull off a grand heist during a high-profile dance competition. 

The film follows the story of Charlie, played by Shah Rukh Khan, who seeks revenge against a corrupt businessman who wronged his father. To achieve his goal, Charlie recruits a diverse group of individuals with unique skills: a skilled dancer (Deepika Padukone), a computer hacker, an ex-convict, and others. They plan to rob a jewelry store during a prestigious dance competition in Dubai.

As the group prepares for the heist, they face various comedic and dramatic challenges, discovering the value of teamwork, friendship, and redemption along the way. The film combines action, comedy, romance, and high-energy dance sequences, making it a quintessential Bollywood experience.

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